Benefits Advice and Form Filling

Every year, roughly £15 billion of benefits goes unclaimed by those who help the most.

Benefits Advice

It can be really challenging to understand if you’re getting all the help that you are entitled to. We can work together to make sure that you are!


For complex cases, we work closely with the Benefit Advice Shop and we can help you access their free, independent and professional advice.

Form Filling

Making sure you’re getting the right help and the best deals so often involves completing big forms, installing apps on your phone or accessing websites. Many people are put off from doing this but we’re here to help you through these difficult steps. 

Over three quarters of a million pensioner households in Great Britain are entitled to, but not receiving, Pension Credit. In a single year £2.4 billion of Pension Credit and Housing Benefit goes unclaimed by older people

Get help

Get in touch for free, confidential and professional advice now